This is the web site of Bar Flash&Shadow , Wellcome J.BOYs&J.GIRLs We Love SHOGO HAMADA & AIDO

〒160-0021 東京都新宿区歌舞伎町1-2-6
TEL&FAX 03-3209-6077

Copyright (C) 2007Flash&Shadow【bar Flash&Shadow All Rights Reserved(since2007/02)】

Bar“Flash&Shadow" is a shop that listens to music, and the storekeeper who thought that there only haves to be space that can be happily talked has built selfishly as the fan of Mr. "Shogo Hamada" who debuted solo in 1976 after it secedes the music band and there, that is, "Aido" that debuted in 1975 readily enjoying by him/herself over sake.